Karbadan Chapter 15
CHAPTER FIFTEEN At dawn they stopped a nomad's tent near the great Salt Sea, where an incredulous old Kabard gave them a breakfast of oat porridge and fried rabbit, and even a spare set of clothes. Then they set off toward Valmarkum. They came to the great wall of mountain five days later, and crossed it with crude ropes and toeholds, ignoring the winding trade road that extended from Berenza all the way south to Tregonëv. They had no more money, but that made little difference: there were no shops in these mountains, just isolated heepherders' huts and the deserted cabins of city folk who thought to retire to the mountains, couldn't raise a sprig of corn, and then thought better of it. They drank from cold mountain streams, and ate the roots of gnarly plants stewed in makeshift pots, and an occasional bird or mountain rat that Etlzonat managed to snare. Once, as they looked down at the road, they saw the gold and scarlet banners of Gorban's army. "That ...